Friday, July 8, 2011

Evolkaiser Ragia Dino Beat

Is it necessary to play new series to pump out the Evolkaiser Ragia??
No~~just use the Rescue Rabbit to call out all old normal dino then everything will be settle~
you can see i put some level 3 monster there to call out Empty Space Sea Serpent Levaiel so that i can reuse Rescue Rabbit effect again and call out another Evolkaiser Ragia again~~

Here come the deck list

Monster (19)
3x Sabersaurus
3x Kabazauls
3x Uraby
3x Hydrogeddon
3x Rescue Rabbit
2x Gilasaurus
1x Spell Striker
1x Sangan

Magic (10)
3x Pot of Duality
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
2x Mystical Space Tyhoon
2x White Elephant's Gift

Trap (11)
3x Ultimate Offering
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
2x Solemn warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Call of The Haunted

3x Evolkaiser Ragia
2x Empty Space Sea Serpent Levaiel
3x Utopia
.............(decide youself)

It just a normall beat down deck that pumps Evolkaiser Ragia to control the game...

One of the team member suggest to put in Heat Wave to control the game...Any comment??=)

That's all for today~



  1. why the Ultimate Offering ??

  2. If the dino is in your hand you can call it out....

  3. I half to say, that's a great deck. It makes me want to go find my water deck and put it back together :). And feel happy just to play the game. :D !!!

  4. Maybe 3x Gilasaurus and inferno reckless summon? plus i would fill up the extra deck with stuff and perhaps a couple tour guides to quickly summon leviael? just a couple ideas... :)
