Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sungai Wang Tournament 7/8/2010 try with my QuickDandy..

1st Game...Sunny Tat =.= (Frog Mornach)

1st round....Bad hand....he did his froggy formation...Lose...
2nd Round..Don't want side anything since he is my team mate..and i know side also useless gua (maybe)...=)

2nd Game...Ah Lim..(LoL)(Quickdraw dandy)
Before we know the opponent list we played 3 games....after the list out...we have to duel again...**vomit**


1st Round..Drill Warrior out...control the game with stardust and Camellias...
2nd Round ..Bad hands....dandy hide in my deck don't want come out...=( Kill back from his camellias...and mist worm...
3rd Round..Scrap Dragon control the game...Dril warrior keep on provide bullet for Scrap Dragon (with Dandylion helps) =)

3rd Game Uncle Lightlord (Lightlord)
1st Round..only got rykoo and it meet eileen...>< Hand cards wit Zombie Carrier and spore....(sad) but manage to stay alive in few turn then clear field with black rose...but.....He got 2 Judgement in hand.....and the lightlord summoner..(sigh)

2nd Round....1st turn summon stardust dragon and negate his Shiny Black C..and call out Drill warrior..2nd turn call out Scrap Dragon ,cyclone the only set card destroy the only set monster(Rykoo) and OTK~

3rd Round...all monster in hands...4 tuners...(OMG) He manage to out Judgement in second turn with the help or solar exchange...keep on clear field and damage me...and 2 Judgement Dragon to kill me again~

4th Game Wei Yin (Geartown Machiner)

1st Round Scrap Dragon and Drill warrior...(2800+2400=5200)..after tat keep by Machiner Fortress effect by attacks my scrap dragon (5500 damage) out Camellias and win the game although i meet dimensional prison...=) (by releasing my token)

2nd Round...He control the game by 2 Machiner Fortress...trying to call out black rose dragon clear field but Solem Judgement by him...hate Gadget~!!!

3rd round...2nd round call out Drill and direct attack (1200) Then his turn call out Ancient Gear Dragon and get bottomless by me My turn call out Camellias and attack his 2 Gadgets ( with Drill) He summon Yellow Gadget and then he set 1 card..(Mirror Force) My Turn i draw...Cyclone!!!!and drill warrior come back and i get Shadow Mornach from graveyard (sorry Dandylion ><)..cyclone his mirror force with a evil smile (xD) and put 1 card on my deck call out zombie carrier...summon Shadow Mornach out game his Gadget then OTK with final attacks (2800+2400+2400) and the 1200 damage just

2 win 2 lose...Change my tournament pack with Cookies...
Deck still not stable enough and Bad hands a lot...

And Congratulation to Sunny Tat get 1st place...King Lee Jun Pak get the 2nd place and Leader Alpreme Goh get the 3rd place...All top 3 winners are our team members...O_O
I think we deserve a place in Sungei Wang right??Mr "Somebody" =)

That's all for today ..


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